How well do you know the periodic table?
Find out in this simple quiz!
  • 1. How did Mendeleev originally order the elements on his periodic table?
  • 2. How is the modern periodic table arranged?
  • 3. The majority of the elements are ...?
  • 4. Metals tend to _______ e- during a chemical reaction.
  • 5. Metals are _________________________.
  • 6. Elements thathave the characteristics of both metals and nonmetals are called _______.
  • 7. Another name for the Group 1 metals is _______________.
  • 8. Another name for Group 17 is ____________.
  • 9. Which of the following is the most reactive metal?
  • 10. Which of the following is the most reactive nonmetal?
  • 11. Which of the following is the most unreactive noble gas?
  • 12. Which of the following elements is usually not found alone in nature?
  • 13. Which of the following elements is usually not found alone in nature?
  • 14. How many valence e- do the alkali metals have?
  • 15. How many valence e- do the alkaline earth metals have?
  • 16. How many valence e- do the halogens have?
  • 17. What do the halogens do in order to form a stable octet?
  • 18. Who do all atoms on the periodic table wish they were?