1. Whats your favirote color?
2. How to you describe you style?
3. What Kid or adult movie would you be in?
4. Whats your favirote food?
5. Whats your favirote number?
6. Whats your personality?
7. What do you consider youself?
8. How are you?
9. Taco Taco
10. What would you say if someone called you dumb
11. What would you say if someone asked you to go to a tea party?
12. If you were in the Hunegr Games, who would you be?
13. Whats you favirote song by Taylor Swift?
14. Do you want another question?
15. Ok they will keep going!
16. Last question....:(
17. Joking!
18. Ok, how did you like this quiz?