Which character from the Dr. Seuss books are you?
Would you take this quiz in the rain? on the train?
  • 1. If you see a discarded piece of paper on the ground... would you
  • 2. If you were at a party, would you...
  • 3. If you were at the grocery store and there was a less able person with a full cart going out to the parking lot, would you...
  • 4. If you were at a book store where would you be found?
  • 5. What kind car best suits you?
  • 6. What is you favorite color?
  • 7. What do you do in your leisure time?
  • 8. What kind of shoe do you like to wear?
  • 9. What is your favoite animal?
  • 10. Where would you like to live?
  • 11. I like my friends to be...
  • 12. What type of game suits you the best?
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