What breed of dog are you
find out what breed of dog you are based on your personality
  • 1. If you saw your friend being made fun of, you would______
  • 2. Out of the following, you would most enjoy:
  • 3. What type of music do listen to the most
  • 4. Out of the following, which tv station do you like best
  • 5. What is your favorite color
  • 6. what was your favorite subject in high school
  • 7. What is your favorite sport
  • 8. If you heard someone was talking about you behind your back, you would most likely _______
  • 9. What feature attracts you most about the opposite sex
  • 10. Which show did you enjoy most
  • 11. What were you like in high school
  • 12. What is your biggest fear
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