The Sorting Hat-What's Your Hogwarts House?
A real muggle way to find out what house you would have been in-real muggle questions to discover your true Hogwarts personality
  • 1. As team captin in Gym class, your first pick would be the kid who
  • 2. Sam's being bullied for the 5th time this week you
  • 3. You see one of your friends stealing money out of someones bag you
  • 4. You would never go out with someone who
  • 5. The most important element in any story is
  • 6. When it comes to choosing between what is right and what is easy you choose
  • 7. You admire most
  • 8. What makes a person
  • 9. Injustice is
  • 10. The best part about the Holidays is
  • 11. Your teacher is ranting about something you believe in.
  • 12. You wish that you could be more
  • 13. You were really counting on your best friend but he let you down you