Gilmore Girls- which character are you?
Who are you most like? Ranging from confident, quick witted Lorelai, bright and bubbly Sookie, and quiet, studious Rory!
  • 1. What combination of qualities best describe you?
  • 2. Your ideal profession would involve:
  • 3. What would you prefer to eat on a free night?
  • 4. You've been looking forward to spare time so you can...
  • 5. You are unexpectedly insulted- how do you respond?
  • 6. Your idea of a great gift would be...
  • 7. A relative needs you to babysit on Friday night, but you wanted to make plans, so you…
  • 8. Your relationship priorities most resemble...
  • 9. What couldn't you do without for a week?
  • 10. Your fashion style generally resembles...
  • 11. There is a begger on the side of the street, you…
  • 12. Your sense of humour is generally: