What "Amory Wars" Character are you?
Are you "The Crowing", or are you Supreme Tri Mage Wilhelm Ryan?
  • 1. If presented with a crisis how would you handle it?
  • 2. If someone was attacking your other half what would you do.
  • 3. What kind of person are you.
  • 4. What is your favorite super power.
  • 5. How would you do on the SAT
  • 6. You find a wallet with no ID just a thousand dollars what do you do?
  • 7. Choose a color.
  • 8. What animal are you.
  • 9. Where do you live?
  • 10. Who were your parents?
  • 11. Would you kill your children to save the world?
  • 12. What do you travel in?