what cupcake are you?
find out what cupcake you are
  • 1. what is your favorite cake flavor ?
  • 2. if a person came up to you and offered you a puppy what would you say?
  • 3. whats your favorite crisp flavor?
  • 4. whats your favourite tv cime series
  • 5. if you could be an animal which would you be?
  • 6. whats your ideal friday night?
  • 7. what would your ideal job be ?
  • 8. whats your favourite game?
  • 9. whos your favourite avenger?
  • 10. whats your favorite biscuit?
  • 11. if you saw a drowning man what would you do?
  • 12. whats your favorite celebration?
  • 13. if you could have your pet any colour what colour would it be?
  • 14. if you could have any type of gem what would you have?
  • 15. whats your favourite flower?
  • 16. whats your favorite dog breed?
  • 17. whats you favourite farm yard animal?
  • 18. how old are you?