+ Write Your Own Quiz
What Pokemon Are You?
Pokedex Personality Analyzer, what is your pokemon spirit? Are you epic enough to be a legendary? Find out here!
1. What is your favorite colors? Cliche I know but go with it lol
grey or blue
black or purple
white or red
pink or baby blue
2. What do you like to do on the weekends?
Go to a rock concert with close friends or stay home alone
Go to the mall!!! Lots of people there and lots of shopping! =D
Play magic the gathering or any other card games! =DDD
donate blood or help the homeless with my church on sundays
Go here or there..
Stay at home alone writing poetry or drawing.anything not public
3. What is your favorite food?
pizza i guess
fruits or fish, whatever I'm blessed with at the time really
something edible
maybe fish, it's lean and good for you ^_^
babies...with a nice kiante
4. One of your friends is being threatened by a gang in the streets, what do you do?
scream and hit them with my mace! D=
kill them all! Then find their friends and kill them to
Call the authorities and tell them what they're doing is wrong!
what friends? I don't like people and they don't like me
Id probably be the one being threatened XD play dead!
Protect them at all costs. I hate violence..
5. If you could have anything, what would it be?
somewhere to belong
world peace and an eternal afterlife
all the cheesy poofs I can eat! =DD
someone to love me, more friends, ..and cool hair
to exist in peace
a new wardrobe! =D
6. Name a childhood memory that you remember well.
Going to church with my family and eating dinner after ^.^
When I found out I was adopted
pretending I was a dinosaur!! ^.=.^
The loss of someone close to me..
I don't want to talk about it.
Joining the cheerleading squad!
7. What word would people use to describe you?
oddball! XD
pretty =D
helpful ^_^
8. What is your favorite sport?
Probably baseball ^.^
I don't like sports..
chess or strategic video gaming
I don't know..maybe swimming
childrens card games! =D
9. 1-10, 1=good 10 = evil. Rate yourself!
I do what I do for a reason, but you would rate me a 7 or 8
4! I can be a douche sometimes XD
3! I'm nice! ^_^...most of the time ^^'
1!! I could never do anything evil, I love people too much ^_^
10. (Don't hate me XD) What Harry Potter Character most resembles yourself?
Sirius Black
Neville FTW! XD
Dumbledore =D
....I havent seen those movies!! I'm not a loser XD (..Fleur>.>)
Voldemort >D
11. What stereotype would you say people classify you under?
preppy =D
jesus nazi XD
12. What is your favorite band or type of music?
screamo or techno
metal and rock
gospel music and pop
Random things
pop and R&B
Weird Al and bloodhound gang =D
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