What color is your soul?
Red, black, blue, white, yellow, green, or purple?
  • 1. You see a wallet on the floor. You...
  • 2. You re a cashier at a grocery shop and someone has $2 less than needed. You...
  • 3. Your friend needs to borrow $10. You...
  • 4. Someone walking in front of you suddenly falls dead. What do you say?
  • 5. Someone randomly tackles you from the side. You...
  • 6. Pick you're luckiest number out of these!
  • 7. You need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the best movie you've ever seen. What do you do?
  • 8. Which band/singer do you prefer?
  • 9. What power would you rather have?
  • 10. What do you think about love?
  • 11. What do you think about power?
  • 12. What is your greatest fear.
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