What Kind of Dog are You?
Are you a Golden Retrier, Newfoundland, Miniature Schnauzer . . .?
  • 1. What is the one trait you like most about yourself? That you are . . .
  • 2. Your report card usually has . . .?
  • 3. How many friends to you have?(Not on Facebook, but in real life)
  • 4. Your relationship is/has . . .?
  • 5. If you could describe yourself in two words they would be . . .?
  • 6. In your free time you like to . . .?
  • 7. What do you judge people by?
  • 8. Did you like this quiz?
  • 9. Why did you take this?
  • 10. How big is your dog?
  • 11. Pick a quote
  • 12. I am SO sorry, but there had to be 12 questions. Favorite Color?
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